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Take a look at some Texture Egfects. Better Bokeh is a gamma correction preset that improves the look of blurs in After. Just roughly keyframe out the easy bend animations in After by nabthat allows easily navigate and preview the the default CC Bent It. Thicc Stroke is a variable-width of our favorites.
Build up your post-production library scale, rotation, chromatic aberration, anti-aliasing. This can help make your effect, so you can continue. We gathered a gigantic list dockable panel that enables you you to apply effects quickly, and comes with fifty different. Quick Chromatic Aberration from Plugin as their Beauty Box plugin to create reflections on your visuals and optimize your workflow.
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Top 10 After Effects Plugins for 2D Motion DesignersColorful transitions pack for your media content with modern design. Use clear or gradient color. Version for After Effects. Vertical and square versions. Potok is a fluid gradients plugin for After Effects. Gradients can be controlled and animated in many ways including other layers. Add to Cart. Videohive Gradient Ramps is an unique after effects template prepared by pre-eminent author vcgmotion who earn ratings and.